HAIR CHANGE: Do not make a drastic change to your hair!
Including cut, color, style...yes, I have had seniors change their color or chop their hair and end up hating it! So stick with a trim and your "usual" color to avoid looking back for years and saying "I hated my hair!".
SKIN CARE ROUTINE: Avoid changing your skin care routine leading up to your senior session. Don't do a peel the week of your session and show up with a dry flaky face or worse yet, change your moisturizer or face wash and have an allergic reaction! You want to make good memories, not bad ones!
SELF TANNERS: This is a no! Of course you want to have a sun kissed look in your senior pics, but self tanners aren't the preferred way to go. There are always unwanted splotches on your hands or around your wrists and ankles. Instead, plan ahead and spend a little time out in the sun the weeks before your session. But, be careful and avoid getting burned, because that will show up in your pics!

Looking for more senior session planning advice? Message us today & let the pro's start planning the perfect senior session! Plus...don't forget to download the FREE Senior Session
Emergency Checklist, for a stress free session!

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